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She reached the bottom button but left the garment in place. Her hand bent gracefully up behind her neck and undid her hair with a small tug on a ribbon. Its deep black thickness spilled about her shoulders. She shook to make it fall out to the last strand. In the hush of their bedroom, this act made a sound, the softest whisper imaginable, like the sifting and settling of dust shaken from the moon when hearts pull on it from earth.
I write about strivers from all
walks of life, proud of their
achievements, playing for all
the marbles when they create,
collide, fight, and love.

She's smart, aware,
feisty, and happy.
Uplifting, realistic
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John Caedan

I write about strivers from all walks of life, proud of their achievements, playing for all the marbles when they create, collide, fight, and love.

tap book covers for descriptions (opens in new window)

interviews and videos
chocolate   |   sara's kiss
gabrielle's prayer
email: john@johncaedan.com
    She reached the bottom button but left the garment in place. Her hand bent gracefully up behind her neck and undid her hair with a small tug on a ribbon. Its deep black thickness spilled about her shoulders. She shook to make it fall out to the last strand. In the hush of their bedroom, this act made a sound, the softest whisper imaginable, like the sifting and settling of dust shaken from the moon when hearts pull on it from earth.

She's smart, aware,
feisty, and happy.
Uplifting, realistic
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